Almost exactly ten years ago, my husband, our daughter, I and his parents drove up to Hakone to view the changing leaves. It was a beautiful day. This photo was one of those photos that just happens... we weren't posing, we weren't ready and we didn't know that camera was pointed at us. We just looked over and click! Maybe that's the best way to have a photo taken. The journaling is a poem by Albert Camus, "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."

This next one is a page I made about my family from Sri Lanka. About 6 years ago I began to sponsor them through
World Vision. I have found it to be a life-enriching experience. We are so blessed and I want to share some of our blessings with those less fortunate, and World Vision is a truly responsible and trust-worthy organization. If your interested in learning more, please take a look.
何か”はきっとできる。~ 是非見て下さい。
The journaling reads:
This is the Appuhamy family in Sri Lanka. This is my family. I have sponsored them for the past 6 years through World Vision. At first I didn't know what to expect. But over the years we have gotten to know each other through personal letters, and of course through correspondence with World Vision. The girl's name is Samanthi. She calls me Auntie Holly. I cry nearly every time I get a letter and a photo of them, just to know how incredibly different our lives are. They are always so grateful and loving in their letters to me, thanking me for the assistance we offer to them. But to tell the truth, we are the ones who have been far greater blessed to be given the chance to take care of them. We love you, Appuhamy family.

This last page is my CT page of the week. I was only able to make one page again this week. But I absolutely love the kit, A Grand New Day by Danielle Engebretson, that I got to use. The page is about some of my daughter's nicknames.