Friday, January 29, 2010


Most of us have hopes and dreams for a fresh start every time a new year rolls around. We make our resolutions: we start that diet, we join a new class, whatever. I'm very good at making new years resolutions. The problem is, I'm not so good at keeping them. I'm full of good intentions, but somewhere along the way I forget or just get tired. Is there any way to keep our resolutions in our thoughts on a daily basis, and by doing so keeping our resolutions.

How can we scrap Empowerment? How can we use our love of scrapbooking to assist us in keeping our goals? I got to thinking about this a few weeks ago, so I volunteered to host an Out of the Egg challenge starting today on The Digichick blog. Its not your average challenge. And by that I mean it doesn't matter what photos you use, if any. It doesn't matter which designer's goods or which page layout. In fact, you don't even have to make a page! Hmmmm.... have a whet your appetite?

If you're interested in finding out more, Click here. Ain't to proud to beg please please please come join me for this week's challenge.

While I'm here, I guess I'll show you what I made for the challenge. My first and foremost hope of the year (taken from my Ten for 2010 layout) is to find out my next step in this life. I guess you could call that Enlightenment. So here is my Empowerment for the year. This page is printed out and framed and placed in my bay window near the dining table. I'm sure to see it at least 3 times a day.

 But I wanted more, so I also revamped and resized it and made it into a bookmark that I keep in my nightly devotional book, where I will see it every night. Empowerment - at least 4 times a day.


I will keep my resolutions this year. We'll see....


今日から、The Digichick Blogで私はチャレンジをかけます。今年の目当てをかなえるように、自分を応援する言葉やスローガンなどをスクラップします。ページをスクラップしたら毎日何回も見える所に置きます。他のアイデアはイメージはカレンダーやコーヒーマッグや、マウスパッドに焼き付けたりしてみて。

もと詳しく知りたい方は Empowerment Challenge を見て是非参加して下さい。デジタルスクラップじゃなくても大丈夫ですよ!好きなギャラリーに展示したらこのポストのコメントにリンクを教えて下さい!

私が作ったページは上に写っています。 そうして、小さめにして本のしおりも作りました。


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