Monday, September 12, 2011

Eyelash Perm

Be forewarned:  the following post has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with scrapping. But it is a little bit of modern Japanese life.

Eyelash Perm

Yes, its real. No, its not a joke. I've been getting my eyelashes permed on a regular basis for over three years now. A friend of mine heard about it, found a beauty course that taught it and offered certification and licensing for its graduates and started her own "business." Over the course of 5 years she has built up a clientele of hundreds, without having advertised even once. She gives eyelash perms to up to 15 people a day. What a business!

Most of the appointments she takes are small groups of ladies - five to six of my friends and I usually get together for our appointments. My friend takes all her supplies in a small suitcase all over town. My friends and I take turns getting together at each others homes. The first customer lies down, gets a basic eye wash to make sure there is no residual dirt or makeup.


A rubbery form is then placed over the eye, the edge of which is slightly sticky. The eyelash perm specialist then carefully combs each eyelash and arranges it on the sticky part of the form. This will be the shape the eyelashes curl to. There are larger forms for a softer curl, or more narrow forms for a tighter curl. I have her use a slightly narrower form on me because I want a tighter curl.

She then places absorbent cotton pads under the eyes and applies the permanent solution. In general, the solution is similar to solutions used for perming hair, but of course they are much more gentle so as to not damage the eye. (My friend told me today that there are some fast-perm solutions that only take about 3 to 5 minutes, but they are very strong and can cause severe damage to eyes. She only uses the most gentle formula.) After the solution is applied to the eyelashes, the client lies there for 15 to 20 minutes while the perm is activated. (During this time my friend will have the next client lie down and begin the process all over again. My friend has gotten so good at this that she can actually have 4 to 5 clients all processing at the same time.)


After this initial 15 minutes, the second solution is applied to the eyelashes to deactivate the perm solution and condition the lashes. This solution is also allowed to sit on the eyelashes for an additional 15 minutes. After this process is complete, the rubber forms are removed, the client is given a careful and complete eyewash to remove all perm solution residue. Finally, a final conditioner is applied to the lashes - much like mascara. And voila! Beautiful, curled eyelashes.

The perm lasts differently for each person, just a a hair perm varies by person as well. Mine usually last for about 4 to 5 weeks. I have never once had any irritation or complication from the perm.

After with no eye makeup
After with my daily eye makeup

I was wondering, since so many of my American friends have never heard of eyelash perms, if this was a "Japanese" thing. I asked my friend today and she thinks that it originally gained popularity coming in from Korea over a decade ago. Its just now becoming more popular in Japan. Surprisingly, one of my Japanese friends told me today that she had gotten an eyelash perm in California over 10 years ago! And a friend of mine from France also tells me she is familiar with eyelash perms.

So there you have it. It sounds like there are such things as eyelash perms in America, you just have to look for them. They're not expensive and its sooooo convenient. I would just recommend finding a very reputable salon or beautician if you're thinking about having one done.

Before                                              After

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ohisashiburi - Long time no see

Blank. My mind is a blank. I've been meaning to sit down and write on my poor, neglected blog for weeks. And each time I think about what to write my mind comes up blank.

Blank. That has been a problem now for months. I can't seem to focus or even make decisions. I haven't been scrapping, in fact I'm now on the 3rd month of a 3-month self-imposed scrapping hiatus. I did scrap one page last week for the November Artisan Notebook, and I'll be making one more before this month is out for the December issue as well. Those pages seem to be the easiest, the best ones to make for me at this point. The guidelines are clear and I have plenty of time to think slooooowwwwwly about the page I want to make. As for just sitting down and making a page ... well, my creativity has been zapped. My mojo is suffering. Blank.

A few friends of and I were talking on facebook a few days ago about feeling the strain of being on creative teams sometimes. The designers need our pages to show off their designs, that's how CT members are "paid" - in free supplies. But what do we do when we are uninspired. When our mojo takes us in other directions away from scrapping.

I have been so blessed to be able to be a CT member for The Digichick. Nicole is the best boss anyone could ask for. So when I asked for a 3-month vacation, I knew she would willingly give it to me. Thank you Nicole! I'm hoping that by NOT scrapping, my mojo will build up in me to a boiling point and I'll just have to scrap come October! We'll see.

I spent a month at home in Colorado with my family this summer. I was almost completely unplugged for that whole month, and you know what? It felt great. I would check in a bit on my facebook page, read the blogs in my reader a few times a week. But for the most part I just hid out, escaped.

Escape. No better way that I can think of than to mentally transport myself to an entirely new world. So I spent hours this summer reading. I think I'm up to about 20 books since July. I bought myself a Kindle as well as some recycled paperbacks.

I'm currently deep into the magical, fantastical world of Harry Potter. I'm a bit late jumping on the trend, regardless, they are good books and movies no matter when you start them. Actually, I'm happy I started reading them at the end, that way there is no prolonged, unbearable wait until the next release. It was seeing the trailer for the final movie in the series that inspired me. And just so I wouldn't have to go and see the movie alone this summer, my wonderful sister went out and bought all the previous DVDs, watched them in record time and went with me to see the Deathly Hallows part 2. It does not disappoint.

So anyhoooooo... getting back to scrapping. I have not given it up, I couldn't! I'm just taking a little break. Even as much as I love it, I just need to take a breather. I'll be back soon, there just is no other creative hobby for me.

My hobby? Well that's an easy one. Scrapbooking. Oh, but I'm supposed to be writing about a hobby other than digital scrapbooking. How about paper scrapbooking?! I love to do that too! I never had a long-term hobby before scrapbooking. Before it I would take up something new but give it up almost as quickly. Oh, but that's still scrapbooking so can't really talk about it either. Hmmm... other than scrapbooking?? Is there anything else?

Well.... I get into reading sometimes. My family and friends would say I get obsessed. I can read the same book over and over again, but only with a good series. I love how reading takes me on adventures far from here. Let's me meet imaginary people I would never have the opportunity to in real life. Gives me a temporary escape from reality. Does reading count?

Oh, and I do make beaded Christmas ornaments too. My Grandma had some cute little beaded Christmas ornaments when I was a little girl and I always wanted to make some. I found some really incredible kits through the Cracker Box that are just divine! I've made several over the years, but each one takes 20 to 25 hours. So I don't make them often.

I like listening to music, does that count as a hobby? I like every kind of music (okay, not really bluegrass but just about everything else). I like pop music from all over the world, I love classical and jazz. Love hip hop (no pottymouth please), Christian and some country. But I'm a rocker at heart.

I like to dance, but I don't suppose that is a hobby since most of my dancing takes place in my living room. But I do go to a few dance exercise classes. I used to love to go dancing every weekend. Now my kids beg me not to embarass them by leaving the curtains open. So I mostly dance during the day while they are at school and I'm doing housework.

Oh, I almost forgot! I love yoga too. I started doing yoga and tai chi about 20 years ago. I haven't kept up with tai chi (one of these days I'll start up again) but I try to go to yoga at least once a week. Yoga keeps me balanced and stretched out.

I guess you could say I have several hobbies, but none of them really compare to the hobby that I spend hours on each week. The hobby that I love to do and love to teach to others, the hobby that I can do and make love-filled gifts for family and friends. The only hobby that has captivated me for years, and shows no signs of letting up.... Scrapbooking.

As seen in the July 2011 Artisan Notebook

Thank you so much for bearing with me, for stopping by my little corner of the web. Please come again.