Friday, January 8, 2010

Just a few

I have only two layouts this week with new releases. But keep an eye out here around sometime on Sunday or Monday. I have something else I want to show you. 今週のページは2枚しか出来なかったでけど、また日曜日の夜、月曜日の午後ごろ他の見せたいのがありますから。

This first page is another page using my friend's beautiful daughter's photo again. Get used to it, there's going to be a lot more. One of these days I would LOVE to have Solveig Boergen take my family's photos too. 1枚目はまたお友達の娘の写真を使ってページを作りました。私の家族の写真も Solveig Boergen にお願いしたいけど。。。

The second page is from when my family and I went to a place named Oshino Hakkai early in December. My husband and I had been there years ago on a date when we both lived in that area. The place is famous for its view of Mt. Fuji, its deep and icy cold spring water pond and its free soba restaurant. It was the first time for us to enjoy it all together as a family.2枚目は12月に山梨県忍野八海に行った時から写真です。数年前に二人だけでデートで遊びに行ったけど、この間は初めて家族として。富士山の景色や、深くて冷たい池や、無料でおそばを食べる所として有名です。

1 comment:

こりょたん/coo-r said...


